Thursday, November 1, 2012


 Webspinna link:

Artist Statement: Webspinna

            This was a really fun process to go through. I thought it would be really neat to take a walk through some big events in American History all provided by the Internet. I thought the first soundtrack provided a good ambient feel for many of the sound clips but eventually transitioned into a sound used for a skydiving video in French. The sound clips used started out with Martin Luther King giving his famous “I have a Dream” speech – this was mostly to capture people’s interest and give them an idea of what the theme of the whole piece was going to be. I wanted to make the rest of the presentation chronological as we moved through American History so I next went into a reading of the Declaration of Independence by celebrities. Next was the bombing of Pearl Harbor report by the president Franklin Roosevelt, then the recording of Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon, Nixon’s resignation speech, Reagan’s call to Gorbachev to tear down the wall, and last the live report of the 9/11 attack on the twin towers as the second plane hit.
            Because much of my sound clips were people talking, I had to make sure to fade one audio clip out as the other one was played. I set this up by setting the volume of each clip at a fairly high volume. When I felt it was time to play that clip, I would hit play, then go back to the previous sound clip and fade that down. This provided for some interesting mixes of music, sounds, and dialogue. Before I live mixed the audio clips, I found the clips that interested me, then had to watch through much of them to find the right place that I wanted to start recording. This way, all the sound clips were cued so I could just hit play and fade the previous audio out. I felt it was important to get the first two sound clips fairly well synced to encourage some emotion between the song being played and the sound clip of Martin Luther King. I practiced this a couple times until I felt fairly confident of the timing – but when it came time to record it was all done impromptu.

Links to audio Sources:

1.)   Ghostwriter: rjd2
2.)   Martin luther king Jr. : “I have a dream” speech

3.)   Declaration of Independence
4.)   Nixon Resigning
5.)   Landing on the Moon
6.)   Reagan – Tear down this wall
7.)   Pearl Harbor Presidential address
8.)   911

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