Monday, November 5, 2012

Protest Poster - Medicinal Marijuana


Artist Statement

            This is a protest poster against legalizing medicinal marijuana. This is hot topic for some states as the elections are taking place and the option to legalize marijuana is an option for states like Oregon, Colorado and Washington. 17 states have already legalized it. Colorado is actually the number one producer of legalized medicinal marijuana in the country and are looking to completely legalize it – medicinal or not. Within the city there are 204 places that sell it using a green cross as the symbol of where you can find it. This is 3 times more places than there are McDonalds and Starbucks combined. This is an interesting topic because the states are legalizing it but it is still illegal with the federal government. So, technically the federal government could come into these states that have legalized it and lock everybody up. But, they’re not doing that – their focus is on the drug lords, not the medicinal marijuana providers.
            I don’t think we should legalize marijuana because of its implications. Anytime something becomes legalized, immediately the use of the drug across the country skyrockets. This is because now its “ok” according to the law. When prohibition was revoked and people could drink alcohol legally again, the use of alcohol by citizens shot up drastically and created all sorts of problems that we still deal with. The same thing would happen with marijuana and we don’t want a bunch of people walking around on marijuana. It’s addictive and doesn’t put people in a very cognitive state that allows them to function like a normal human being. I also don’t think that it’s ok to legalize it because if the country were to legalize it, it would be telling everyone that it’s alright, and I don’t believe it is because of the negative effects it has on people and the dangers it presents.

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