Monday, September 3, 2012

This was an interesting experiment for me to see how music affects my photography. I normally don’t listen to music when I shoot so it was interesting to see how the music moved me to shoot and look for things to shoot that maybe I otherwise would not have. The collaborative effort before the project helped me define what I was looking for and eventually gave me the idea to complete this project as I did. The main word that I felt represented the music was “urban”. Having that focus allowed me to go into an urban setting, listen to my chosen music and shoot away, which turned out to be fun and emotionally rewarding. The theme I felt as I listened to the music was how there is human emotion amidst the emotionless (the urban setting). Whether I was naturally inclined to shoot patterns within the city or if that was evoked by listening to the music I wasn’t sure – maybe a bit of both – but the music gave me a feel of rebelliousness, which I equated to the “emotion” within the “emotionless”. The emotion represented itself in different settings – and not every picture I took had the emotion I was looking for but was rather setting the art piece up for the emotion to come. I think the emotion came from the human elements within the shots – with the exception of the parking garage that looks wavy from one angle. Most of the pictures are of patterns within the city, but every once in a while you come across a person in a shot, or a hand, or something done by a person against the pattern which creates an interesting juxtaposition of the two worlds. The arrangement of the pieces was also under the influence of the music. As I listened to the music it caused me to arrange the pictures in a way that I felt somewhat followed the music. For example, when a part of the song would come, my eye would naturally look to a picture I felt represented the emotion being portrayed in the song. All in all it was good to experiment with how music affected my photography.

Music for music mosaic:

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